More artworks made by Rinjichan13

College Portfolio 5: Show
College Portfolio Piece 'Show' What?: Dancing People 2D or 3D?: 2-D Medium: Watercolor Paper Media: Mixed Media; Watercolor, Ink, Tone Tan Paper Year: 2015 This is another one of my College Portfolio called 'Show'. I know it's a chaotic piece, but i love it for that reason! As you can tell its a mixed media piece and is outlined in Ink, colored by watercolor and i glued on pieces of tone tan paper.I drew the people with graphite, added highlight's with the white graphite, cut out, and pasted on this piece last. They are dancers in various poses, putting on a show for the audience, which is you or the hand i drew on the side. I also wanted to practice hands and feet, so there is another reason for the hand, foot and foot print. The purple specks in the back are rose petals btw. Anyway that is all! Enjoy my art!
Anonymous 23 Jul 2015
Una sola palabra: ¡Maravilloso!
guru_abhi 23 Jul 2015
i like it :)
Platinum Reaper 23 Jul 2015
interesting composition.
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