
More artworks made by Rinjichan13


College Portfolio 2: Mermaid

Type: painting Uploaded: 2015-07-21


College Portfolio Piece 'Mermaid' What?: Mermaid 2D or 3D?: 2-D Medium: Watercolor Paper Media: Mixed Media; Watercolor, Ink Year: 2015 One of my College Portfolio pieces called, 'Mermaid'. It's another watercolor piece because why not? This one based off the Horoscope, Aquarius, and the spheres are bubbles and the swirls are wool pool. Her hair is made up of tentacles and i added a little more color in this one, then the Twins, or the 'Aries'(which i have yet to post'. I think this piece took me the longest, and it didn't turn quiet out like i wanted, but it's okay. Well that is all! Enjoy my art!


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