More artworks made by captainlupin

Wind Biter
Oh Wind Biter. You look so innocent. But you’re a sneaky little shiny bauble thief. Unlike his older yet smaller brother Whiplash, Wind Biter has a bit of a more mischievous side to him. He loves to play small pranks and chase laser pointers or reflected lights. He's more of a leisurely flier, so Lupin tends to ride with him when she's looking for a scenic route flight and has time to kill. :D And for a final note, Lupin has seven Night Furies under her roof (figuratively speaking that is) and I'll get them all done up slowly but surely. :) Art and character are mine~ Night Furies belong to Dreamworks~
dianadragon 19 Jul 2015
he's beautiful love the detail :)
tekslus 10 Aug 2015
lovely artwork :)
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