More artworks made by soulartist90

Love eternal
Acrylics on canvas. This is a painting I did as a wedding gift for my brother and his new wife as of this week :) As you may come to know me for, it is chock full of symbolism. The owl is an ancient Athenian symbol of wisdom; the cherry blossom, which has a maximum blossoming time of only two weeks, is a Japanese symbol of the fleeting nature of life; the pocket watch represents time, and the infinity symbol is engraved on it. Together in the painting, the message is, "May you have the wisdom to see that in a life that begins and ends so quickly, there is one thing that can be eternal (Love)."
Oscarlira 11 Apr 2016
The Owl is Awesome, And background goes very well with It, excelent work
Crystal Jones 17 Jul 2015
Very good work. ^^
LadyoftheApocalypse 21 Sep 2016
It's lovely and I'll bet they love it!
didier1961 4 Apr 2016
nice work.............. :-)
MKIII & AV59 9 Apr 2017
keep it up ^^
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