More artworks made by didier1961


Tim & Jhonny

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2015-07-16




  • Hill's Beverly Creative 25 Jan 2017

    I like the fluidity of this piece. Do you know the work of Thomas Hart Benton ? Anyway, the highlights on the glasses of the guy on the left are well done. The drawing is done in a way that shows a lot of action - a lot of action in the thoughts of the two people portrayed. Keep it up !

    didier1961 26 Jan 2017

    merci Beaucoup................. :---)

  • hubert perron 6 Oct 2015

    excellent !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • didier1961 6 Oct 2015

    thank you :--)

  • trevorp 22 Jul 2017

    Cool work :-)

    didier1961 23 Jul 2017


  • czmanga 12 Aug 2015

    All your works are really Amazings !

  • mac 16 Jul 2015

    Brilliant work!!!

  • didier1961 31 Aug 2015

    thank you!!!!

  • CVAH 31 Aug 2015

    love the colors, really cool!!

  • Anonymous 11 Sep 2015

    Nice !

  • didier1961 21 Jul 2015

    thank you

  • hgardin 21 Jul 2015

    I really enjoy your characterizations. The slight exaggerations of certain features and expressions combined with a real eye for capturing a recognizable likeness of the subject makes these works very interesting.

  • didier1961 16 Jul 2015

    thank you

  • didier1961 16 Jul 2015


  • zentaurius 16 Jul 2015

    Really nice :)

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