More artworks made by captainlupin


The Animal

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2015-07-16


Run if you intend to survive For the beast is coming to life Taking form in the glimmer in this tainted moonlight Death approaches on this night "You threaten or hurt what's mine, and I'll rip your fucking limbs off, one by fucking one. So don't touch what's mine." When Lupin stakes a claim on someone or something that she strives to keep safe and protect, she'll fight to the bitter end, even if it's against the odds and she'll end up losing. She'll go out swinging regardless and bring you down with her, one way or another. Don't touch her stuff and peoples. She's ripped people in half before, she'll do it again. Lupin and art are mine~


  • Nathan 16 Jul 2015

    Awesome, the detail is Brilliant!!

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