More artworks made by didier1961



Type: digital art Uploaded: 2015-07-15


07-jan 2015


  • blvckink 23 Aug 2015

    amazing work didier ;) love all your work!

  • Oscarlira 8 Sep 2015

    Great drawing, shading is nice

  • snakedaemon 26 Aug 2015

    Nice work

  • didier1961 21 Sep 2015

    thank you :---)

  • chris02141 20 Sep 2015

    well done!

  • didier1961 23 Aug 2015

    thank you .....for loving my work!!!!

  • didier1961 6 Aug 2015

    wauoo what et analyse ....a will work on it!!!!!!

  • Strider 6 Aug 2015

    Form is good, anatomy is alright minus the incorrect foreshortening of the right leg. Face seems out of place and the whole piece feels inconsistent. Hands could use work but hands are hard in the first place so no loss. Overall appealing but needs work to really make sense, even for caricature.

  • didier1961 16 Jul 2015

    thank you

  • IsidoraN 16 Jul 2015

    good job

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