More artworks made by PirateMG

Sirena e Tartaruga
Voglia di estate, sole e vacanze!!!!! Need of summer, sun and holidays!!!!!
WhiteFox 15 Oct 2015
The tail pose may look implausible for a fish, since they typically swish side to side, but it evokes exactly the same sense of motion as a person lying down and kicking their feet, so I think it works. X3
WhiteFox 11 Oct 2015
Aaaw, lucky little turtle. Unless she's eyeing him because she's looking for a new set of shells in her cup size. She must get a lot of lower back pain, if she poses like that a lot... poor dear. X3 Her head seems disproportionately large compared to her torso... I'm inclined to chalk that up to a matter of art style, tho. I like the glittering scales on her tail: that's the sort of thing where it's easy to get lost in the details, drawing and highlighting each individual scale 'till the whole thing is reduced to an overdrawn mess, when less is more. The one thing that does kinda nag at me is that the pose of the tail would be impossible for most fish... but then, mermaids don't exactly conform to the standard limits of realistic biology to begin with, so that's a pretty subjective point. X3
laxmipriya196 15 Jul 2015
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