More artworks made by vonBardy
Beautiful Man (finish)
im still practicing my hair blending sorry for messed up on hair color *some effects added by photoshop
Eddieblz 16 Aug 2015
Nice job on the hair. Still the other one with the white hair is a little more interesting. But tats just me.
Jan Spicka 14 Jul 2015
oh, he is sooo cute:D
TWINS2 14 Jul 2015
Well.. I think it's amazing!! really Eye-candy...<-> *-*!!
animecruise 30 Mar 2016
Very well use of shading. The smooth gradients of color and the color palettes really give this piece a light atmosphere to it. As for a critique, I'd recommed to be wary of your line weight and how much you use the soft shading technique. The hair has dark heavy lines that because of that sorts of overpowers the soft texture of the face (although it works very well for the eyes to make it more pronounced). And as for the soft shading, use it for the subtleties of the face, but consider using more contrast/sharpness in your shading for forms you want to pronounce or make clear ( for me I'd use it more on the nose and lips). Aside from that, strong form, great colors, interesting design, and some awesome shading. =D
CrisLoran (OkiotoArt) 15 Oct 2015
nice work, i'd add skin texture
vonBardy 14 Jul 2015
I put on sides the skin tones by percent darker and darker and lighter tones then shading according to your imagination shadow tones :) I usually using SAI for sketch and coloring
cruey 14 Jul 2015
Oh my god. I swear we must have used the same model! And without a doubt yours is 20x better than mine in every way so much to the point I'm giving it 5 stars and a favourite. Your shading is out of this world!! Where did you learn it? It looks so effortless and so strange to me because with shading myself i find myself trying to add more range to my shades to give depth so much it ends up looking flat but you've done it in what looks like such swift and precise strokes. Seriously can't believe how good this is amazing A+++
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