More artworks made by Ed Schaap
Grieving Process.
Grieving Process. Acryl on canvas. 100 x 100 cm. This work is about the loss of a loved one. And the conflict if there is an afterlife. I know this is a very depress topic. But once we all have to face it all.
blvckink 12 Jul 2015
very nice :D reminds me of giger :)
Ragingkittie 13 Jul 2015
Amazing painting. The muted grey, black & blue tones evoke a mood of dark despair. The grieving woman is ironically curled into fetal position to revive from their pain. She appears to encased by bones which may symbolise how we are 'born astride the grave' (Beckett) , the woman being like a child inside of their mother. The decomposed bone-like structure above the figure suggests we are surrounded by death; when we die another body will lie above ours & the chain will carry on.
ManuelaLabor 30 Oct 2015
wow. So much emotion, such a wonderful way to capture some of it.
Briver 12 Jul 2015
I don't know how to deal with this.
mac 12 Jul 2015
Good work!!!
Ed Schaap 12 Jul 2015
Thank you, Giger is my greatest source of inspiration :)
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