More artworks made by didier1961


Paul Newman

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2015-07-11




  • xpector 2 Nov 2015

    very well composed .... i love it!!

  • didier1961 3 Nov 2015

    thank you

  • Don Art 28 Dec 2016

    nice work!

    didier1961 28 Dec 2016

    thank you........ :--)

  • didier1961 31 Aug 2015

    thank you !!!!!

  • Wingedog 21 Dec 2015

    Nice job!

  • Vic-Chan 31 Aug 2015

    Very nice. =)

  • didier1961 12 Jul 2015

    hey........ i make this 6 mois ago.... en it is caricatural ....thats way the long face is made off.......anyway thank you.....

  • Briver 12 Jul 2015

    Hey. Why the long face? In all seriousness, you did a great job with the shading.

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