More artworks made by anibas


Natura morta

By anibas
Type: painting Uploaded: 2015-07-10


dipinto ad olio su tela - 50x80 - anno 2005


  • Eddieblz 11 Jul 2015

    Very well done!

  • GATESYS ART 2 Oct 2015

    wow great use of medium. love the purple grapes and pink /red flowers, they really stand out and draw the eye.

  • Don Art 3 Aug 2015

    very nice!

  • laxmipriya196 11 Jul 2015

    Blending is too good. Nice work :)

  • mistyeye2015 10 Jul 2015

    Beautiful, lovely colours and so much detail.

  • Crystal Jones 10 Jul 2015

    Very good work and beautiful colors. ^^

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