More artworks made by Eddieblz

Three Nightmares
These were two child hood nightmares I had. I entered them in some contests but they didn't go over very well. Guess they'er not very good but I had to get them out of my system. The top two are call childhood Nightmare. They are in fact my very first nightmare. They are different versions of the same nightmare. The colors never really mattered because everything was all flashy. The main part is that the owl eyes would hover over me, staring at me. It's claws would come out and stroke my face. Beethoven, Bach or Mozart or some type of long hair music would be playing in the background. The worst was the part of it all was the gloved hands that came out of the darkness and held may hands down. In later years I found out that my mom when she came home from working at the hospital late at night, would sit on the edge of my bed staring at me lovingly and hold my hands while stroking my face. My dad would always turn on the classical music very load. Oh and she wore white gloves for her work. Crazy huh! The bottom one is called A Thousand Eyes. This was a nightmare I had as a child while living in Germany. My Parents, sister and I all live in a large studio so we all slept in the same room. In this dream I was in a warehouse there was a terrible snorting type growl as this green slimy weedy looking thing followed me chasing me threw out this place. My feet were like in quicksand and I couldn't move very well. Any way I was able to wake myself up but when I woke up to my surprise I could still here the creature growling. Oh My God it followed me out of my dream. After a few minute of laying there in terror I was able to clear my head. I suddenly realized it was just my mom and dad snoring. HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!
blvckink 10 Jul 2015
very nice :D i love the bottom one! very creepy
Trigemini 6 Dec 2015
Interestin concept, selling me to H, P, Lovecraft!
Athena Darkblood 21 Sep 2015
I like the idea of drawing the dreams you have had. And I really like your pictures!
RedKnightmares 10 Jul 2015
Wow that is terrifying. I'd hate those nightmares
czmanga 10 Jul 2015
very good the combination of colours , brighting effect specially the last one . I don´t see anything creepy ; may I say SPOOKY for me Excellent as always Eddie . greetings
charlie363 10 Jul 2015
Everything is well done . Impressive well drawn enjoyed your story
SarembaArt 22 Aug 2015
Really creepy! But nice! ;-)
REDtr 10 Jul 2015
grandpa you have creepy nightmares! but it's so nice :D
IsidoraN 27 Jul 2015
mistyeye2015 10 Jul 2015
All wonderful pices of work. The first two are creepy but beautiful, the bottom one is amazing and terrifying.
Briver 10 Jul 2015
This is disturbing in the best ways.
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