More artworks made by Boris Draconian

Strange World
2009 art based in a song called Strange World by Iron Maiden. There's a couple sitting in the park and between them the branches of this dying tree holds a single leaf. Which means that there's love or life between them. It's a weird drawing, behind there's a man with a umbrella and he reflects in the water and near him there's another person walking in the rain, this person has no reflection. Even this has not many details, it has a lot of hidden messages, depending of what you feel seeing it. "Smiling faces ever so rare... a let's walk in deepest space, living here just isn't the place. Stalks of light come from the ground, when I cry there isn't a sound. all my feelings cannot be held, I'm happy in my new strange world... "
Tomas 10 Jul 2015
This one is so moody. Nicely done!
blvckink 10 Jul 2015
very creepy atmosphere
Don Art 8 Sep 2015
love it!
The Image Gallery Of Troy 10 Jul 2015
This is awesome. Such hard work and detail. Shading is fantastic!
rogerkr 20 Sep 2015
Like it.
Lumina 16 Sep 2015
good work.
numer23 10 Jul 2015
Nice! I like this 'dark', sad atmosphere and details. Great work :)
BERLIAN 10 Jul 2015
If I saw it in larger size I felt drowning into strange world.
Graphiteartist 10 Jul 2015
Excellent work. You have captured the atmosphere of the scene very well. I really like the long shadows cast on the ground which just adds to the effect. Well done on this piece.
mac 10 Jul 2015
Its amazing how a song can fire up our imaginations. We as artists are lucky in the fact we can translate them into images that we can share with others. Great work Boris!!
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