More artworks made by greenpidge
Sunlight and Flight
Something I did for a contest once. Let me know what you think : )
Challenge: Apricotflyer VS greenpidge
Ragingkittie 8 Jul 2015
It's pretty cool :3 I think the head needs to be outlined a bit more; a fine liner would really help this image stand out. I love the way you've drawn the wings.
Apricotflyer 9 Jul 2015
Hello (haha, remember me? You won my challenge I set. xD) Cool picture. I love the bright glare behind the pony and the angle of the head is actually executed quite well. One thing bothering me is the forelegs. They just feel a little awkward and the left foreleg looks too long, at least from that angle, compared to the right foreleg. It looks a little unbalanced. Though that certainly doesn't take away from the rest of the picture. The wings are really lovely and well done. c:
bigfootcity 8 Jul 2015
nice colors.
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