More artworks made by captainlupin

Given that I'm a bit of a Transformers geek, I drew a Transformer! From the...face up. I'm not as adept, skilled, or what-have-you to do the entire body. :P I'm quite out of my league compared to the fantastic artists I've seen, especially those who actually, you know, do the bloody comics! But, this is Wing, an unfortunately short-lived character from the Drift mini-series from IDW comics. He was a pretty cool character, although I wish that he'd lived, and that there had been more character development. Poor Wing, we hardly knew ye.
blvckink 8 Jul 2015
very nice work, i love how you created the shadows and highlights!
Ragingkittie 8 Jul 2015
I think this is awesome & recon you could do a bit more of his body. Have some faith in yourself & don't be put off by other 'better' artists. If everyone didn't do things for fear of others being better then there would be never be anything new. <3
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