More artworks made by didier1961


Brayant Kobe

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2015-07-07




  • Jan Spicka 14 Feb 2016

    very skillful

  • Oscarlira 22 Aug 2015

    great. well done

  • didier1961 30 Aug 2015


  • MKIII & AV59 11 Jan 2017

    bien fait ^^

    didier1961 12 Jan 2017

    merci beaucoup.......... :--)

  • David Bentley Skinner 28 Mar 2016

    Very clever

  • Kat9474 30 Aug 2015

    maybe blend the lighting a bit more but it looks great :)

  • montydk 22 Aug 2015

    Good picture, i think the eye is a bit squarish, along with some of the face, but it dont take away anything from the overall feel. *****

  • didier1961 22 Aug 2015

    thank you!!!

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