More artworks made by didier1961


Serge Gainsbourg

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2015-07-07




  • hubert perron 4 Feb 2016

    excellent !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • didier1961 19 Oct 2015

    thank you... Tris ....:-)

  • Lt 19 Oct 2015

    Nice light, and shadow in the portrait.

  • Eternal Art 8 Jul 2015

    I really like the use of tone :)

  • final_artist 7 Jul 2015

    Such detail, such use of tone. i love it

  • didier1961 7 Jul 2015

    me too .....and thank you

  • Mutantenfisch 7 Jul 2015

    He was one of my favourite French musicians.

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