More artworks made by didier1961


Serge Gainsbourg

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2015-07-06




  • blvckink 17 Aug 2015

    amazing work :) love the style you have

  • Tomas 22 Jul 2015

    Great work on face! :) he looks a bit strange in a good way for me! ;)

  • Oscarlira 23 May 2016

    Another Great work

    didier1961 23 May 2016

    thank you........ :-)

  • hubert perron 22 Feb 2017

    excellent !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    didier1961 24 Feb 2017

    merci beaucoup........... ;---)

  • Hill's Beverly Creative 11 Feb 2017

    The stippling is used well to create the texture of the stubbly whiskers. Good use of light and dark. The eyes have a haunting look to them. I like the necklace with the small ornament on it. The black background makes the portrait really stand out. Keep it up !

    didier1961 12 Feb 2017

    thank you soooo mutch..........HBC...........;---)

  • trevorp 29 Sep 2016

    Lovely artwork

    didier1961 2 Oct 2016

    thank you............. :-)

  • xpector 9 Jan 2016

    it is just wow!!

  • didier1961 5 Oct 2015

    thank you :-)

  • LorandLee 5 Oct 2015

    nicely done !

  • maubro 30 Aug 2015

    Great work! I like how emerges from shadows :)

  • MKIII & AV59 1 Nov 2016

    il est super ton portrait ^^

    didier1961 1 Nov 2016

    merci beaucoup............. :--)

  • didier1961 17 Aug 2015

    thank you !!!!

  • didier1961 22 Jul 2015

    thank you

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