More artworks made by CaptainAmericaTARDISmustache

This is the protagonist of my YA novel, Flame. This is a black and white sketch, but her hair is a bright red and her eyes are a muddle of blue, green, and gray. She is a 14 year old superhero, with the powers of fire creation/manipulation and a moderate healing factor. This is my first EVER charcoal sketch. Hope ya'll like it :)
numer23 6 Jul 2015
I think that You should practise more to improve Your technique, but still I like Your idea. You seem to be very creative :)
fastleppard 6 Jul 2015
I'm not personal in this comment , but this drawing is very bad . You need to work to improved your technique , and you need to make a discipline when you draw !
Tomas 6 Jul 2015
Not sure why rating so low, I really like this work :)
osmanthusette 6 Jul 2015
Please keep working on it and your story.
Mark Duffy 6 Jul 2015
Nice line work
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