More artworks made by FujiFox615

Windy Day
Yay! you guys Im finished! 8D I didn't know it would take this long just to do 8 pages, but this is my first time doing a mini manga/short story and I tried to make it the best I could, oh and I deeply apologize but for some reason the first page turned out fuzzy and the rest were fine, I will see if I can fix it :) still need some more practice :P the next manga I do I wont be doing it this way cause I already tried to make it look like a professional manga and I know that isn't going to happen so my next one will be different and hopefully a lot better yay! overall I hope all of you enjoy this and thanks for taking the time to read it X) so happy~ Heads Up!! YOU CAN READ THIS MINI MANGA BETTER AT : SORRY ITS SO SMALL , ENJOY! :D
Emo15gir 6 Jul 2015
I think it's pretty good! It's good that you approached it as a professional manga because I know that it's really hard DX It's good to know what you have and what your strengths and weaknesses are :3 The transitions between each page and panel are good and have a flow to them, the story is great. Each page does make you want to go to the next to see what will happen, I'd say just a little more work on anatomy :3 Good job!
Boris Draconian 6 Jul 2015
I can't see, I always liked comic, I will visit your deviant art to see, greetings.
Anonymous 6 Jul 2015
oh wow, nice!
Thiago Sousa 6 Jul 2015
can't read
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