More artworks made by Boris Draconian

The Scarecrow
This is a representation of the abandoned, when you feel everybody's walking away from you, it depends what you feel when you see this. It's even about discrimination. The rose in its branches is its love but everyone (crows) seem to be afraid. I made this drawing with such deep feelings inside of my heart.
UnfadingDreams 12 Sep 2015
It's hearttouching... I love it and we can clearly see the feelings you put in this artwork! Keep it up!
The Image Gallery Of Troy 10 Jul 2015
You are amazing!
Siara 8 Sep 2015
wow!~ /is the first impression I get after seeing this wonderful drawing! :D It's so detailed with shades and all those birds, as well as trees and branches! Looks awesome, keep it up~
surealworld 8 Sep 2015
I like this scarecrow illustration. Is it done by air brush?
suYYvbs 2 Sep 2015
superb work :D
kara--may 21 Jul 2015
Daaaamn. This is a singularly fantastic piece of work! I absolutely love the feel of the artwork, and the rose representing love surrounded by so much darkness and fear. One of the best representational artworks I've seen!! Excellent job!
KseniaSh 8 Jul 2015
dark and scary but i like this )))
Mónica Marques 8 Jul 2015 so creepy...5*
Vic-Chan 8 Jul 2015
ClaytownPaintings 7 Jul 2015
So cool!!
Néstor 7 Jul 2015
Like the the face in the sky and the principal scarecrow position...
ThenDie 7 Jul 2015
dark and scary, amazing *.*
Puma_Warrior 7 Jul 2015
mistyeye2015 7 Jul 2015
scary but brilliant, love the face in the clouds.
Tep 7 Jul 2015
Well since creep is what you aimed for, you certainly achieved it with this piece. The amount of details in it is certainly remarkable. You are truly a talented artist. :)
ReaperKitten 6 Jul 2015
This is very cool and Dark. The story/description fits with this. It's got excellent shading. It's very cool! :3
xXJewelybugXx 6 Jul 2015
Amazing And Creepy! Nice Work!
eni7878 6 Jul 2015
wow, scary...
Ramur 6 Jul 2015
Epic. What's your secret tool? :)
Carbon2Tree 6 Jul 2015
There's even a face in the sky... Wow. You make some very powerful and wonderful works.
Nathan 6 Jul 2015
Another excellent piece of work, I love it!!
blvckink 6 Jul 2015
really amazing work! very creepy indeed
Tomas 6 Jul 2015
Your works are really great, adding you as a friend to see what's coming next :)
mac 5 Jul 2015
This is superb!!! Brilliant concept. Great faces in the clouds and scarecrows arm too, Excellent!!!
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