More artworks made by anibas



By anibas
Type: painting Uploaded: 2015-07-04


dipinto ad olio su tela - 70x100 - anno 2013


  • Moca 18 Jul 2015

    Pretty and interesting style! Good work on the colour choices, it looks very old-fashioned! ^-^

  • anibas 18 Jul 2015

    thank you very much!:) yes you said it right, this style to use of colour is old, about 1800, it is based about lights and shadow, it follows of the rules very defined,

  • Siara 5 Jul 2015

    Wow, looks wonderful!~ Great job on all the details and shadows, hightlights. well done!

  • Merlina 4 Jul 2015

    5+ from me :)

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