More artworks made by didier1961


Jack Nicholson

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2015-07-03




  • Hill's Beverly Creative 24 Feb 2017

    You've captured Jack all right ! That "in your face" expression smoking a cigarette. Good job on the little line of smoke drifting up. The color of the filter attracts my eye to it. I like it !

    didier1961 25 Feb 2017

    thank's Hill's..............:--)

  • WoodyWelch 11 May 2017

    Great caricature of Mr Nicholson!!!

    didier1961 13 May 2017

    thank you............. ;----)

  • Lucifer 17 Aug 2015

    He looks very pleased about something...

  • snakedaemon 23 Sep 2015

    Nicely done

  • asdawson 31 Aug 2015

    nice work

  • didier1961 23 Sep 2015

    thank you :)

  • didier1961 31 Aug 2015

    thank you : - )

  • rogerkr 14 Mar 2016

    Good one

  • Sazdawg 2 Dec 2015

    Brilliant! Love your quirky and unique style!!

  • Anonymous 1 Oct 2015

    Very cool deawing

  • didier1961 3 Jul 2015

    your gallery is GREAT

  • bielebny 3 Jul 2015

    Whole gallery is cool

  • Tomas 3 Jul 2015

    Nice work!

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