More artworks made by Carbon2Tree

Slug On Dewy Grass
This little slug is climbing up a blade of grass with dew on it. I'm a sucker for high contrast. Sometimes I do pieces like this with white charcoal pencil on black paper.
kitten_500 19 Jan 2016
It is really hard to tell what is going on, and this really needs work.
Ushbus 30 Aug 2015
Not all art has to look like what it "should be." That is the whole purpose of non-objective art. Its all about the form, composition, space, and color of the piece. You captured that well, but you could have taken a better quality photo, but not everybody has those resources so I try not to judge a piece because of that.
xpector 15 Aug 2015
DarkmoonArts 7 Aug 2015
Nice idea but I would bring more deepht in the pic. Without discription it's difficult to see what it should be.
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