More artworks made by Kanto Art

Kanto Nanami - Colorful and Beautiful
With acquarela pncils and nankin ink. Inspirated in Nanami form Okamiden.
Roksana 2 Jul 2015
really nice and original
LLLUC 2 Jul 2015
Nice drawing! But you should try to work more with shadow. In the face are for example much more indentions and if you show them it will loke much more realistic. I also like the Idea with the colours. My own Idea would maybe be, to keep the objects in one colour with different gradations. But thats my opinion :D Great work! :)
KimiKat 2 Jul 2015
It is very colorful, and alien-like, which is very interesting and unique.
Onygox 2 Jul 2015
Super colorful!
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