More artworks made by Ed Schaap

Leonardo 40 x30 cm. oil on panel Leonardo was born in a world where everyone and everything can fly. Except Leonardo, he can't fly. Therefore, he has made a construction, so that he also can fly.
fastleppard 8 Jul 2015
Surreal !
Anonymous 18 Mar 2016
Looks good!
Eddieblz 4 Jul 2015
Really cool detail.
Mina-chan 4 Jul 2015
great OC its very unique. your own style, i love it
einsteinsdog 3 Jul 2015
Wing surface area to body mass ratio is extremely low. Arm strength and leverage ratios also seem insufficient. This implies a gravitational field so low that an atmosphere could not be retained if on a planet, thus no flying anyway. Therefore, if this is an accurate picture, we must presume: A - Magic B- Beyond our comprehension muscle strength/contraction speed biology(bumblebee times 1 million), or C - An artificial low gravity environment with enclosed atmosphere which, since you mentioned he was born on a world, he migrated to, or built himself onsite. Are any of these correct? There may be other explanations also. Such as, the construction was unsuccessful, and he plummeted to his death.
Anonymous 2 Jul 2015
This is beautifully painted and a very interesting concept :) I love the shading
GerardoGómez 2 Jul 2015
Great work!
Kanto Art 2 Jul 2015
Anonymous 2 Jul 2015
ha ha....
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