More artworks made by didier1961


Keith Richards

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2015-07-02


rock singer 14-may-2015


  • SGrahound 10 Feb 2016

    Very cool piece!

  • AmirreaTheArtist 24 Nov 2015

    He looks awesome, especially that hair

  • Jeff Bliven Photography 20 Feb 2017

    This is pretty accurate, considering he nearly drank himself to death.

    didier1961 20 Feb 2017

    thank you............ ;---)

  • Art is life 24 Aug 2015

    Brilliant artwork.Crazy hairdo :)

  • Don Art 24 Aug 2015

    very nice..

  • didier1961 22 Aug 2015

    thank you!!!!

  • montydk 22 Aug 2015

    Good drawing, love the humour in it. *****

  • didier1961 3 Jul 2015

    thank you so much a continue to do my best.

  • mac 3 Jul 2015

    Brilliant work!!! All your portraits are superb and very humorous!!, Will hopefully get round to 5 staring them all :D

  • numer23 2 Jul 2015

    Stunning :-)

  • osmanthusette 2 Jul 2015

    5 stars!

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