More artworks made by Starrbar



Type: digital art Uploaded: 2015-07-01


Meet Vespa! She is one of my newest characters, shown here reflecting on many of her past deaths. She is a member of a new species I'm thinking up called Muais, and she has the rare ability to conjure up memories and thoughts (and even powers) from her past lives (yes, kind of like Avatar: The Last Airbender). She and this concept were thrown at me in a dream I had recently. The dream, I think, was more inspired by Finding Nemo. O.o Yeah, Idaknow. So yeah, here's this thing. xD --- Name: Vespa Age: 9 years (approx. 20 human years, maturity-wise) Species: Muia Personality: Reserved, caring, sneaky, rash, snarky... Bio: Vespa acquired Legion when she was younger and now is able to call back on past lives to help her through her own life, as well as see the past lives of others. Charlie doesn't know she is a Legion Muia, but she looked into his past only to find that each of his past selves had been in love with hers. They were bonded by destiny, but she is also afraid that she's dangerous to him because most of her past selves were evil or misguided, and caused a lot of harm to others. She knows her feelings for Charlie were always genuine, but feels like he deserves better than someone who is willing to hurt people just for benefits. She is even scared of her own interests in death and war because of that. Charlie helps show her that she can choose her own destiny. --- Vespa is still a very new character! This information may change, and it needs to be refined, but I really don't mind however you draw her or if you include random shadow fish around her to be her past lives and what not haha.


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