Mirror's edge - catalyst's Faith
I used a BIC ballpoint pen (blue) , scan the paper with my smartphone, play a little in photoshop express for android (black ones) and add the original one
Anonymous 29 Jun 2015
The lips are slightly off and so is the bridge of the nose. The tip of the nose/nostril area look great. Cheekbones look good. You made her face more narrow. The eye/s don't quite match the photo, but I think they look very beautiful in their own right. I can see that you're a good artist working on realism. This is a very excellent start for sure. I would suggest being less intentional. What I mean by that is do not focus on each and every detail so much that you distort what is. I see you were very intent on getting the strands of hair in her face just right. A lot of what art is for an artist is what we feel. We can't get too caught up on the technical because when we do we lose the emotion. Good luck! You're doing great!!! "Art is not about teaching the hands how to create, but teaching the mind how to see."
Anonymous 29 Jun 2015
good work
Anonymous 29 Jun 2015
This is cool
Sampom12 29 Jun 2015
An interesting sudy.
Anonymous 29 Jun 2015
good job
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