Waiting For You
He's not literally in chains, it's a representation of stagnancy; in other words, the bondage of waiting ties our hands. A prisoner is an energy being contained and forced to be still, but this is a passive situation because rather than being the prisoner he is like the empty castle the prisoner left behind.
Challenge: Moca VS Spideecartoon
einsteinsdog 3 Jul 2015
You should take up drawing as a serious hobby. Also, go clean up your room. This is not a serious comment, since we live next door. Okay, seriously, your technical execution, composition, and emotional evocation just get better and better.
Lucifer 30 Jun 2015
God I love how you draw hair! it's so wicked! OUO
Dream.Guardian 30 Jun 2015
vry niceee <3 i just love his face
czmanga 29 Jun 2015
Nicely well done , I can see many , many messages here and interpretations , depends of the point of view ....... I like the expression in manga style greetings
L0n3Gr3yW0lf 29 Jun 2015
Nice work, the expression and the context combine very well, and I do understand that feeling too (maybe a bit to well)
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