More artworks made by Kimmie66
My little world as well as your's
My little world. on this planet Fairys control the elements as they work and live with dragons. Furries live like humans do on earth but not has advanced as them. This planet as no name for No name seemed fitting for it however some call it Ethium or Linium but every creature as a different name for the world they live in. it is a world where my dreams and hopes are kept. That's why i call it my little world of course it holds other people hopes and dreams too so i guess it can be your little world to. ^-^ their are other planets that hold other people hopes and dreams as well but that's for another time.
Jan Spicka 24 Jul 2015
interesting work
Jan Spicka 24 Jul 2015
mac 30 Jun 2015
Nice idea, I hope they are taking better care of their world than we are of ours!!!! Good work!!!
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