More artworks made by guru_abhi

again. no idea who the girl is. a model i guess. but she is beautiful
Tomas 29 Jun 2015
Good start, still need some practice :P but you have really good potential
Iulia 28 Jun 2015
you have a good sense of proportions. try to practice on contrast and hair and use highlights. good luck :)
Eddieblz 28 Jun 2015
Nice detail.
Nathan 28 Jun 2015
This is good, I love the shades and the lips are very well done, I can imagine it would look better with some more shading in the face ect, but very nice work!!
Photobones 28 Jun 2015
Looks like a quick sketch that you didn't have time to complete. The hair is a little rough, not painstakingly detailed, but I suspect it is a pretty good likeness as you seem to have a gift for portraits.
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