Paint me to Life
A recent but older painting I did learning from some more beautified lighting style references, many imperfections and the body is unpainted but I looked at it after I had finished the face being exhausted, and thought it actually seemed like a nice "bring me to life" kind of effect so I just kept it.
Jan Spicka 31 Jul 2015
nicely done
Pineabeth Clauw 27 Jul 2015
This is lovely. The face shape is perfect! I do say, the clarity inst constant between the ear, eyes, lips, and nose. Was that on purpose or experimentation? It looks good nonetheless!
Ethanol 3 Apr 2016
I like your painting but the outline could use some work. I would start practising hair to make it look more realistic! Nice Work!
Tschicki 26 Jul 2015
I think this is a pretty nice work. There are few imperfections, but they male it really fascinating.
Mutantenfisch 26 Jul 2015
I agree with you - the lighting is awesome and you've done a great job on his face and expression.
alicialight 21 Jul 2015
Wow, you are an amazing artist! Keep it up!
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