More artworks made by didier1961


Ray Charles

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2015-06-27


  • Hill's Beverly Creative 19 Feb 2017

    I like that this piece goes from dark dark to light light and has tones in between. Could be a poster or CD cover. Very expressive face and captures Ray Charles' persona as well as how he made music. Are you a musician ? I like it . Keep up the good work !

    didier1961 19 Feb 2017

    thank you soo mutch.... no i'm not musician but i like good music.....;----)

  • hubert perron 12 Jun 2016

    superb !!!!!!!!!!

    didier1961 13 Jun 2016

    thank you................ :-)

  • trevorp 4 Dec 2015

    Interesting caricature - well done on capturing his smile / facial expression :-)

  • didier1961 12 Oct 2015

    un grand merci a toi !!! :--)

  • Anonymous 31 Mar 2017

    really amazing creation.! [=

    didier1961 31 Mar 2017


  • Khobe 12 Oct 2015

    Didier tu es un as de la caricature, magnifique travail

  • Anonymous 8 Sep 2015

    I like it, it's very cool

  • didier1961 20 Aug 2015

    thank you!!!!

  • Miqdame 20 Aug 2015

    Brilliant! I love the style

  • Ivory Noir 28 Jun 2015

    Nice caricature

  • didier1961 28 Jun 2015

    thank you

  • blvckink 28 Jun 2015

    very interesting caricature style :) nicely done

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