More artworks made by Carbon2Tree

Let Me Show You My City Skyline
"Imagine the sunlight creating a path way of lighted rooftops to hop across. Think of the places that could lead us. Lets go!" I'm really enjoying this cut paper cards thing I've been doing. 4inx3in cut construction paper
kiranox 17 Aug 2015
love the texture
Athena Darkblood 18 Aug 2015
This is great!
Photobones 2 Jul 2015
Hmmm... now I'm coming up with 31 not 25... oh well no difference... it was a great lesson!
Photobones 2 Jul 2015
I gave you all 5-***** Stars on this one. By my count, you have 25 pieces of paper here, so the square root is fitting. More importantly, however, is what you just taught me about creating the illusion of depth by suggesting, not with a piece of paper that represents a building, but by selectively cutting the moon to suggest that there is something in the way... BRILLIANT!!! I LOVE IT! Screw deviant art... I'm enjoying this place more and more every day... and who can tolerate such a stupid name for art and artists?! I started an account there simply because they were the largest... but I keep running into treasures over here. I digress.
Nozomi 30 Jun 2015
I like
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