
More artworks made by trevorp


View of South Beach

By trevorp
Type: photo Uploaded: 2015-06-25


Photograph taken near South Beach - Wollongong, NSW


  • Michelle Nguyen 2 Nov 2015

    very good photo. the rocks balance the sky. nice job

  • HargorSPdate 7 Feb 2016

    wonderful view in this photo, good job!

  • Anonymous 13 Mar 2017

    very interesting.. I mean I really lov it <:

    trevorp 15 Mar 2017

    Glad that you love it:-)

  • trevorp 30 Jun 2015

    Took my kids along the day that I took this particular photo :-)

  • Ciskat6 30 Jun 2015

    This reminds me of my trips to the lake with my family. :)

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