More artworks made by TarinVernon



Type: drawing Uploaded: 2014-08-19


Something from DA.


  • TarynCosplay Mar 22


  • AuroraArchangel 3 Sep 2021

    Very nice

  • K-Koji 7 Jul 2021


  • AltheaM 22 Aug 2014

    Nice work :D

  • EKA 19 Aug 2014

    CRY... i didnt avoided your art, i told you, it looks amazing :S should i hawe been more specific ? np. i love rude black and white drawing, and how u put in slight shades in it, right wing looks a bit out of perspective, but it might be only for my eyes, also you could hawe written more in description about this character, who he is, and what he is looking at? or is he just day dreaming ?:D

  • TarinVernon 19 Aug 2014

    So people wont type in stuff like "Hey you stole this from DA how dare you". -.- And since a certain work has already been posted somewhere else I feel the need to mention that. I guess copyright though me that since you can actually steal from yourself in certain countries. So I posted where I posted it before. I did not type the account so I'm not actually giving myself any advertisment. Well thank you for avoiding my art to tell me about the description. I guess It wasn't interesting enough to comment.

  • EKA 19 Aug 2014

    and yah,your work is amazing <3

  • EKA 19 Aug 2014

    Ok, i might be out of line today, BUT whyyyyyyy ppl put DA everywhere ? You posted ur art HERE, its awesome, its great, hurayyy!!!! but now your work is here, in our community, i dont see ppl mentioning | its from fb, or hey , this is from twitter , or whatever.

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