More artworks made by Baileyyhusty


Katey perry sketch

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2014-09-17


My hero <3 <3 <3


  • xWolverineMan 27 Apr 2015

    Looks nice dude :D keep going!

  • no 24 Sep 2014

    lol sussed your deviant art to check out your work. and really good? despite the fact your other drawings are rough and not in proportion, (and that is totally fine. your drawing skills are still developing) then you suddenly can come up with photorealistic pieces like this which actually look like they've just been manipulated? please don't give this world more artists with attitudes like yours, you're still young.

  • no 23 Sep 2014

    actually, i took down my pieces because this site encourages competition rather than appreciation between artists - but i still go on here to support and check out other artists' works. what i don't support is lying about skill sets. what i also don't understand is why i'm telling this to a 12 year old. what is happening

  • no 18 Sep 2014

    nice photoshop skills

  • DaSpazGurl 17 Sep 2014

    LOVE IT!! Also, DAYMN KATY!!

  • shariq jawed 17 Sep 2014


  • Robespierre2014 17 Sep 2014

    Great painting. <3

  • little Squirtle 17 Sep 2014

    very stylish

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