More artworks made by WeirdGirl14
Stop The Block
Every day, an Artist, Writer, and other creative creators become victims ofTthe Block---an evil that blocks the flow of creativity and imagination. Some can not find good ideas for hours, days, weeks, and maybe even months and years. This cursed creature hangs around as long as he wants. He will do everything he can to stop happiness and bubble gum laughter... There is no quick known cure for The Block. But there is hope! We can rid these victims of this parasite by helping them out by giving them motivation to stand up and continue fighting The Block, creative flow may restart! Scientists, Doctors, Zoologists, and Grannies are doing all they can help those Creators find inspiration once more and ideas kick start! You can help by spreading the awareness of The Block, help Creators by giving inspiration and motivation! And if you're a victim of The Block...just know that there is a brighter side at the end of the tunnel! Just keep fighting! THANK YOU FOR LISTENING!
Anonymous 17 Sep 2014
Really interesting, I like the how the block gets the viewers attention, maybe make the lettering more viewable though.
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