More artworks made by didier1961


capitain Kirk

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2015-06-22




  • blvckink 23 Aug 2015

    great tones on the clothing and face :D amazing as always!

  • Crystal Jones 17 Aug 2015


  • Anonymous 26 Jun 2017

    nice :)

    didier1961 28 Jun 2017


  • Brisa Locked 6 Apr 2016

    I loved the colors, specially the shadows and also the details. It's great, really.

  • didier1961 23 Aug 2015

    thank you!!! like always

  • Keokki 22 Jun 2015

    So cool portrait !

  • theshadowphantom102 22 Jun 2015

    Very impressive! Looks very realistic.

  • Anonymous 22 Jun 2015

    Well done!

  • Anonymous 22 Jun 2015

    Like the realism that you obtained. Be careful of the composition of the chin and the left shoulder.

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