More artworks made by BrandonSP

Pharaoh's Coronation
This young Egyptian lady is ready to receive the great power (and responsibility) that comes with ruling one of the ancient world's most enduring civilizations. The crown being handed to her is the nemes, which is the most recognizable of many different crowns that Pharaohs would wear throughout Egyptian history. It's the crown King Tut is seen wearing on his famous sarcophagus mask.
WeirdGirl14 18 Sep 2014
I do like this, eyes yes! Could have made the clothing more accurate--but that's just me being nit picky. XD So don't mind that~! I even like the description you gave this!
dementedavenger998 17 Sep 2014
I love the amount of effort that went into this, and i think she's gorgeous too.
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