More artworks made by captainlupin

Jo getting ready to go to the gym. A character made for the Marvel 'Verse, so yes, an OC. Originally joined the US Marines, she didn't always look like this. She became a part of a military project similar to that of the one done for Steve Rogers only a year or so in her enlistment. The program itself utilized more technologically advanced methods to achieve a super-soldier, namely that of nanotech. It greatly enhanced her in similar ways to what Rogers went through, although constant updates to the nanobots were needed in the beginning, and the program itself was shut down due to being too costly and too lengthy. Before it could even be finished, Jo was kicked to the wayside back to the fleet. She tried to reenlist, but due to crazy inner workings of the military, her paperwork didn't make it through on time and she was subsequently discharged. Shortly after that, she was enlisted into which she was once again put aside, although it wasn't that bad a thing this time around. She ends up being a liaison for a Jedi Master, and over a bit of time, ensues in a bit of a romantic relationship with him. Not too shabby. Used the pose from a motivational poster with Michelle Lewin in it, superimposed with Jo in it. Credit goes to the awesome photo and awesome pose. Tweaked things to fit Jo's frame and size, as she has a slightly more muscled frame here and there.
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