More artworks made by didier1961


  • didier1961 29 Jan 2016

    thank you........ :-)

  • didier1961 30 Sep 2015

    THANK YOU :-)

  • Henri K. 30 Sep 2015

    This is neat, somehow I got stuck to stare his nose. You shaded it very well! And as Lea and HBPen already said, those eyes are awesome.

  • Cole 23 Jul 2016

    you did really well on it i like it alot esp the lips tupac is the greatest btw

    didier1961 23 Jul 2016

    thank you........:-)

  • Ebbenhorst 29 Jan 2016

    that's cool

  • LeaGarland 21 Jun 2015

    Nice work! Eyes look very awesome!

  • HBPen 21 Jun 2015

    Awesome detail! I love this style and the attention paid to even the light in the eyes. Thumbs up!

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