More artworks made by CeeCeeDude

I drew this one because another one of my drawings flew away from me and I needed to give it a funeral. T_T I didn't use any guidelines, just Calligraphy Pen and ink.
K.L Sketches 21 Jun 2015
ow i its just your style :) and ya ofcourse i support that..i just told you my thoughts of how this drawing could look badass with some touches up in my opinion..i understand that it is also a "joke" and a quick sketchs are ment to be quick sektches but still they can sometimes be even far more intresting that big projects!! anyways..ill be looking for your next one..keep on drawing!! kisses
Anonymous 21 Jun 2015
Es inusual, pero me gusta mas tu firma que el dibujo.
PandaKitsunes 21 Jun 2015
interesting c: yet very awesome
K.L Sketches 21 Jun 2015
Hey there my friend well this seems more a like a pencil drawing..but i do like it..there is potential showed teh wooden material pretty good..but dont be afraid to be patient on your drawing...the grass seems rushed..ig you have given it a bit more time then the whole drawing would have been alot better..also dont forget the source of light..there is always some thing lighter than other...and others need to find and work on this spots so your drawing is flat! keep on drawing!!
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