
More artworks made by The Answer


Land of the old ones

Type: painting Uploaded: 2015-06-19


Spraypainted on canvas


  • Puma_Warrior 8 Jul 2015

    great work!

  • MrThinkaLott 21 Jun 2015

    Nice work! I also happen to use Spray Paint in my artworks!

  • VedR1109 20 Jun 2015

    Job well done. :D

  • Rinjichan13 20 Jun 2015

    I love the design of this!

  • Kimberlily 19 Jun 2015

    gorgeous work

  • Mutantenfisch 19 Jun 2015

    Her hair looks a bit too bush-like but besides that, I love this painting. Your way of playing with colours and dark areas is awesome!

  • hubert perron 19 Jun 2015

    splendid !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Jan Spicka 19 Jun 2015

    great picture

  • Anonymous 19 Jun 2015

    it's cool

  • Mifmemo 19 Jun 2015

    I like the use of shadow in the front here, it makes the background pop more.

  • LorandLee 19 Jun 2015

    uuu ..i like this one !!

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