More artworks made by Jinny


  • Tomas 1 Aug 2015

    Like the way you worked on physical features :)

  • xpector 18 Oct 2015

    wow ... just wow!!

  • XML 13 Oct 2015

    Cool; is that a reflection or is that another man?

  • Hatshj 3 Aug 2015

    Very nice shading!

  • Fabiano777 13 Oct 2015

    Very good work! My only complain is that the image is so small...

  • didier1961 4 Aug 2015

    beautifull work

  • hjuhas99 30 Jul 2015

    Fantastic shading!!

  • ALxV 20 Jun 2015

    I love this kind of drawings. Veery nice :)

  • fastleppard 19 Jun 2015

    Good study !

  • Giorgia Haran 19 Jun 2015

    Very fine drawing...Five stars!~^^~

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