More artworks made by captainlupin


In the End

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2015-06-19


I tried so hard And got so far But in the end It doesn't even matter I had to fall To lose it all But in the end It doesn't even matter Because I love The Last of Us (the game, the characters, the story, the animation, all of it!) I had a sudden urge to create an AU with Lupin and it kinda painful to keep working on and this kind of kept popping up into my head. This is pretty much how the theme of the whole damned game just felt, in fact: fighting to protect something or someone, and in the end, losing it seems to be the recurring sequence of events. And something I've kicked around with a few friends in regards to "werewolves in that universe", I would imagine werewolves would be more hard-pressed to stay hidden because they'd most likely be immune to the cordyceps infection, but they wouldn't be much help in producing a cure, being a separate species from humans. Although, in all fairness, it wouldn't stop someone from stuffing a werewolf in a lab regardless, if they were ever found out. :P They'd either have to be living in solitude with a decent abundance of food around them, or they'd have to hide their true nature if within range or even inside, human populations, or risk exposure. Let's hope no one was paranoid enough to carry silver bullets around, since Lupin would qualify for that category


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