- Castel Toblino -
disegno su carta realizzato con matite acquerellabili e inchiostro di china - 50 x70 - anno 2012
Anonymous 17 Apr 2016
Looks really nice, maybe just a bit too small ^^
LizzartsLounge 12 Aug 2015
since I can't comment on your answer, I'll just make a new comment up here... -that's sooo cool! I've just been to Maccagno and earlier to Stresa (both are far more to the West, I know) but it's just sooo beautiful there! my, I'd go right back if I could ;D ...also it was kind of a stupid question as you wrote the descript in Italian... well I overlooked that, haha^^'
LizzartsLounge 12 Aug 2015
wow nice, is this in Italy?
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