More artworks made by Nec-romancer

I got the image in a dream some night. It looked like an installation and "the camera", my point of view, was rotating, so I could see the figure from different direcrions. I know such things reflect the state of my mind, and I'm especially intrested in what you can get out of it.
VictoriArdum 28 Aug 2015
it's looks like she is attached to the abstract world of the mind. She can´t move and just see it down on the ground, like waiting for something. I feel like she knows something that mind's state doesn't. Maybe she´ll be free of the abstract thoughts very soon.
LeaGarland 18 Jun 2015
(soory got no Idea how to answer directly on your comment) I'm really honored that you take that so seriously ^^ (Don't get me wrong, I don't want to force someone to write a description if he/she got nothing to say.) But what you wrote is really cool! (I like to know, what the artist thought : ) Interesting that this was a dream of yours... Pretty surreal as well. I'm asking myself who putted her there.
Robb Prueter 17 Jun 2015
If a picture is worth a thousand words, this one is worth a billion.
RebeckaKidbjork 17 Jun 2015
Nice shadowing :) but I'd like an explanation to what it's supposed to be...
LeaGarland 17 Jun 2015
Nice one! Rating is far to low. Again like the detail and the cross-shading looks really good here. But a litte description would be nice
Ramur 17 Jun 2015
It feels restless. I like your shading though.
Ragnar 17 Jun 2015
fifty shades of grey ?
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